Thursday, March 27, 2008

The War Behind The Da Vinci Code

C 2008 By Kirby Robinson

I have read Dan Brown’s book, The Da Vinci Code. I found the book to be a fun read, full of action, suspense, history, and drama. It caused me to stop and reflect on the subject of Christ’s life, as well as His death. Unfortunately, it has a different impact, I feel, than what the author had intended. It has become one of the major weapons in the war that is raging across the globe in lecture halls, churches, seminars, numerous books, and various web sites. Now, two groups are fighting against each other that should be working together against the forces of darkness.

What are the two groups, you ask? One is the group who looks at Jesus and sees the Son of God, born of virgin birth, sent to teach, heal, and finally to redeem the world by closing the book of the Law of Perfection. By paying the ultimate price with His body and His blood, He descended into hell, defeated the hosts of darkness, rose, and rules in heaven, till His time to return for the Final Conflict. The other group says that Christ might be the Son of God, because we are all God’s children, that His birth was not a virgin birth, that He had to travel to India, Tibet, Turkey, Afghanistan, Egypt, and numerous other centers of knowledge, to learn psychic abilities and magic. He returned home and we are not sure what He taught, but He taught something, and He performed only psychic tricks. When the political situation got too hot, He decided to arrange a grand conspiracy encompassing hundreds of conspirators, to fake His death, sneak out of the tomb, lie to his closest disciples, convincing them that He died and He rose into heaven, and then He snuck off to France with a wife, Mary Magdalene, that He had kept secret from everyone, and His daughter. Once settled in France, He turned around and travels the globe having a fine life, and then He dies at an old age, after a night of song and drink. But their claims don’t stop there. It’s actually just beginning. A second, even more elaborate conspiracy, is then played out across the centuries and the globe, to convince the world that none of these things actually happened, and the conspiracy is still being carried out today.

Now to be fair and honest, I will admit that I fall into the real Jesus camp, and if you reject that possibility, then it might be a good idea to stop reading at this point. But if you are open minded and want to read a reasonable discussion of the issue, not personalities, (and I won’t use anyone’s name, as I’m not here to attack anyone) involved in the debate.

If the other camp’s goal was to further our understanding of the Christian faith, I would be all for it. But it’s not. The Christian church is their first target in this global war. Sadly, the majority of the leadership has become fixated on political issues, money, power, and personal fame. The great Christian thinkers and philosophers have been replaced by televangelists and weekend seminar leaders, who have less understanding of Christ’s message of love and compassion balanced with a understanding that there is a war raging for the spirits, souls, and minds of all good people. The Christian leadership is so weak that it even allows atheists in best selling books to embroider what Christianity and who the Lord is. And it’s more focused on the End times than making sure that all suffering people in the world have good times. Thus, it is open to be reshaped and remolded into not a new Christianity but a New Age or New Thought religion. In turn, this new church will require new leadership, new teachers of the New Thought, new organizations, and new gospels to spread the teachings, etc. but wait, it doesn’t stop there! Because if we cannot trust the story of Christ’s life, and presume it’s been made up, and just some conspiracy has taken place to keep us from the truth, then just maybe the Jewish faith, the Hindu faith, the Muslim faith, and the Buddhist faith need to be examined and the same things happened as well. Buddha didn’t sit under some tree; he traveled to Egypt and North Africa and brought back their secret school of teaching. The Jewish faith came from nothing but a bunch of old occult teachings. And the Hindu gods, well if the truth came out, they’re really from outer space and they weren’t gods at all! And Mohammed, well, he traveled to China and brought back their teachings and changed it all around. So you need to listen to our teachings, and us! We are just going to have to get rid of the Hindu faith, and the Muslim faith, and the Buddhist faith, and the Jewish faith, and the Christian faith and all other faiths and have one religion. And we’ll tell you what that religion is. And we’ll be the keepers of the truth. And if you question us then you’re just part of that grand old conspiracy.

I am not saying here that people like Dan Browne or the other folks in that camp are evil. But we do have egos that tend to get out of control, and the biggest boost to an ego is to create a religion that you are the gatekeeper to.

Most often, the New Thinkers use the dogma of various church faiths to foster their points. Dogma is not righteousness, dogma is not faith, and dogma comes from man, not God. I try not to focus on the teachings of man; I focus on the teachings of my Lord and Savior. I also focus on truths that come from the Buddhist faith, the Hindu faith, the Jewish faith, the Muslim faith, and numerous other faiths, but I don’t mix those faiths up into faith stew. Each one is separate, unique, and valid. Within the Christian faith, the three primary points that must be correct for our faith in Christ to be true are:
1. The Christ was born of a virgin birth.
2. He died on the cross.
3. He rose from the grave.
If any of these three points are false, then our faith is false and the other side wins the war of The Da Vinci Code.

Part 2 will be here next Thursday, April 3, 2008 in The War Behind The Da Vinci Code. The topics that will be discussed are: Were Jesus and his mother Mary tulkus? Was the story of His birth real or made up? And Jesus’s journey and life in Egypt.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good words.