Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The World of Fallen Angels

C 2008 By Kirby Robinson

"For our struggles is not against flesh and blood but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms." Eph. 6-12

Recently, I had a case of demonic possession that was rather nasty. One of the persons that brought me into the situation asked me a few thought provoking questions concerning demons prior to the start of the exorcism. I thought I would share them with you, along with the answers.

Are demons all-powerful?
No. Demons are not all powerful nor are they all knowing or ever-present. A demon by itself is not a very smart creature. But, they can be very cunning and devious. And all demons share in the power of confusion in their arsenal of tricks. A demon by itself has limited powers. But, as you move up in hierarchy they grow in abilities and powers. This is why many times you will see a person or property possessed by multiple demons. And just like bees, they thrive in hives. Many weak demons will bind themselves together to create a power source that they don’t have as individual demons. And when they are attacked, just like any army, they can call on reserves, which will usually bring in a higher-ranking demon to support them. Demons, contrary to what a lot of people tell you, cannot be in more than one place at one time. Thus, demons operate like a spy network and will share information with each other. (Interestingly enough, when demons impart knowledge to one another, this is the only time they can be absolutely honest!) Also, demons do have a habit of pretending to be a demon that they’re not. One other ability that all demons share on some level is the power of telepathy.

Is there a power structure within the demonic world?
As to the power structure of the forces of darkness, here is something that might step on people’s shoes, but all my spirit guides have shared this fact with me. Lucifer, the Devil, and Satan are not the same entity. Hell and heaven are mirror images of each other. Heaven has a holy trinity, hell has an unholy trinity. (This subject will be discussed in a later blog). Here are the Five Levels of Power in hell.
1st Level of Power - Satan, Devil, and Lucifer.
2nd Level of Power - Generals in the army, also known as the Rulers.
3rd Level of Power - Commanders and captains, also known as the Authorities.
4th Level of Power – Lieutenants, also known as Powers of this Dark World.
5th Level of Power - Foot soldiers, also known as Spiritual Forces of Evil.

Do demons specialize in abilities and powers?
Here is a partial list, (there are far too many to mention in one blog), of different types of spiritual demons I’ve encountered. Their names will easily indicate the impact that they have on people. But I will try to explain the impact that they have on property.

1. Infirmity/Weakness spirits - if the spirit possesses a property, you’d find one that is in constant turmoil over illness, spiritual and physical weaknesses, death, injury, blood, and violence.
2. Mute spirits – these spirits make it difficult to think, read, write, and communicate in general. Oftentimes, electrical equipment will malfunction.
3. Dumb spirits – creativity is stymied on the property, for example, a business fails because of the lack of new, innovative, or even logical ideas.
4. Distressing spirits – people will find themselves constantly worrying about major as well as trivial matters, and one will never find peace and comfort when they step on such property.
5. Foul spirits – property will always have a nasty or terrible smell, like the sulfur pits of hell have opened up.
6. Unclean spirits – property always in a state of constant mess, and infested by rodents and insects.
7. Bondage spirits – this is where you will find pack rat conditions as nothing ever gets thrown away.
8. Deceiving spirits – it feels like a sense of distrust is prevalent on a property possessed by deceiving spirits. They will use the tools of jealousy and lies to make their presence known.
9. Fearful/Sorrowful spirits – when you step onto property that is possessed by such demons, this is when they’ll try to manifest themselves as ghosts and monsters. People who try to sleep at the property will be haunted by nightmares.
10. Harlot spirits – when a person sets foot onto the property they are driven by their sexual instincts, lustful thoughts, and desires to cheat on their loved ones for no explicable reason. It is interesting to note that these demons, if allowed to possess a person, will invite one of the more powerful demons, which is an incubus demon. The incubus then desires to enter the person or animal, and engage in uncontrolled sex.

I hope this has been helpful in answering some things that might have been bothering any of you, or people that you know. Please keep in mind that this is just a partial list of spirits, there are actually hundreds! But these are the ones I’ve encountered the most frequently.

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